Passer montanus with the common name Tree Sparrow, IUCN Red List status of threatened species. The IUCN Red List threat status assesses the risk of extinction.
They are rated "Least Concerned" on the IUCN Red List. Eagle The last Pilfink / Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus) - inte att förväxla med Gråsparv.
3. av M Green — ing to the IUCN criteria (1994, 2001 and 2003) as. Critically Centre has published two red lists following the IUCN crite- Passer montanus. -. 20-29. 3.
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Quapropter rogaris ut nihil nisi minora hic mutes, maiora autem ante disputes illic. Welcome to the India Biodiversity Portal - A repository of information designed to harness and disseminate collective intelligence on the biodiversity of the Indian subcontinent. 2019-12-23 · Passer montanus. Vernacular names [ edit wikidata 'Category:Passer montanus' linked to current category] [ edit wikidata 'Passer montanus' main topic of 'Category:Passer montanus'] English : Eurasian tree sparrow. العربية: دوري أوراسي. Passer montanus transcaucasicus: S Caucasus (Black Sea coast of Georgia to n Iran) Passer montanus [dilutus or tibetanus]: Transcaspia to w Pakistan, Gobi Desert and w China (Xinjiang) Passer montanus kansuensis: W China (Zaidam basin and n Gansu) Passer montanus saturatus: S Kuril Is., Japan, South Korea, Ryukyu Is., Taiwan and se China Statut de protection de Passer montanus (Moineau friquet) : évaluation sur liste rouge, réglementations nationales et internationales, législation et textes juridiques (CITES, Journal Officiel Français et Européen).
Em Portugal é residente, pelo que está presente durante todo o ano. Frequenta principalmente pomares e
The Eurasian Tree Sparrow, Passer montanus, is a passerine bird in the the thresholds for the population decline criterion of the IUCN Red List (that is,
Summary citation for factsheets for more than one species: BirdLife International (2021) IUCN Red List for birds. 16 May 2020 throated bush sparrow Gymnoris superciliaris Order: Passer cinnamomeus A Eurasian tree sparrow, Passer montanus Yellow - throated The Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus) is a passerine bird in the the thresholds for the population decline criterion of the IUCN Red List (that is, BirdLife International. 2017. Passer montanus (amended version of 2017 assessment).
av L Thylén · 2006 · Citerat av 4 — För bevarande av arter tog IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature via), gräsand (Anas platyrhynchos), pilfink (Passer montanus) och gråsparv
Разликата с него е наличието на черно петно на бузата, а също и по Mazurek, wróbel mazurek, wróbel polny ( Passer montanus) – gatunek małego ptaka z rodziny wróbli (Passeridae), osiadły (tylko nielicznie koczujący lub przelotny), zamieszkujący Europę i Azję. Introdukowany w Ameryce Północnej i Australii . W Polsce liczny ptak lęgowy. De soort staat als niet bedreigd op de internationale Rode Lijst van de IUCN. De vogel kent een groot verspreidingsgebied heeft dat reikt van Ierland in Europa tot een groot deel van Azië waaronder Japan en de Indische Archipel . Passer montanus ye una especie d'ave paseriforme de la familia Passeridae.Distribúise pola mayor parte de la Eurasia templada y tamién nel norte d'África.Nun ta amenazada y cuanto con grandes poblaciones, por casu la europea envalórase ente 52 y 96 millones d'exemplares. Passer arboreus Foster 1817 麻雀 ( 学名 : Passer montanus )又名 树麻雀 、 霍雀 、 嘉宾 、 瓦雀 、 琉雀 、 家雀 、 老家子 、 老家贼 、 照夜 、 麻谷 、 南麻雀 、 宾雀 、 厝鳥 、 砉鹑 ; 屋角鳥 、 屋簷鳥 ,是 麻雀属 下的一种鸟类。 Passer montanus hepaticus Ripley 1948 Die Unterart Passer montanus iubilaeus , die Reichenow im Jahr 1907 beschrieben hatte, entspricht P. m.
B. Bofink. K. Fringilla coelebs. B. A.
Populationen av sebramanguster bedöms som livskraftig av IUCN då de återfinns i riklig Pilfink (Passer montanus) sitter på en mossig gammal trädstam.
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Quapropter rogaris ut nihil nisi minora hic mutes, maiora autem ante disputes illic. Welcome to the India Biodiversity Portal - A repository of information designed to harness and disseminate collective intelligence on the biodiversity of the Indian subcontinent. 2019-12-23 · Passer montanus. Vernacular names [ edit wikidata 'Category:Passer montanus' linked to current category] [ edit wikidata 'Passer montanus' main topic of 'Category:Passer montanus'] English : Eurasian tree sparrow.
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Populationen av sebramanguster bedöms som livskraftig av IUCN då de återfinns i riklig Pilfink (Passer montanus) sitter på en mossig gammal trädstam.
Mga kasarigan Landa-txolarrea (Passer montanus) passeridae familiako hegazti paseriformea da.Bizkaieraz Artatxori-a izendatuta. Taxonomia. Landa-txolarreak hainbat azpiespezie ditu: Passer montanus montanus; Passer montanus transcaucasicus, Sergei Aleksandrovitx Buturlin 1906; Passer montanus dilutus, Charles Wallace Richmond 1856 O pardal-montês (Passer montanus) é uma ave da família Passeridae. Assemelha-se ao pardal-doméstico, sendo contudo um pouco menor.
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Fältsparv - Passer montanus (L.) - Vanliga stillasittande och En sällsynt nomadisk art av västra Sayan, listad i IUCN, Rysslands och
Mer och resten av listan. av O GARGOMINY · 2011 · Citerat av 67 — Trochulus montanus (S.